Russian course online. Verbs | Naya Polo

Course Curriculum

Imperfective/Perfective aspects
Imperfective/perfective aspect 00:19:00
RusLang101P Verbs Unlimited
Несовершенный вид глагола (in Russian) 00:12:00
Совершенный вид глагола (in Russian) 00:15:00
Conjugation 00:13:00
RusLang101P Conjugation Unlimited
Conjugation: exception to the rule 00:12:00
Aspect in the present tense 00:10:00
Past tense 00:06:00
Imperative form
Imperative form 00:16:00
Reflexive verbs
Reflexive verbs (part 1) 00:05:00
Reflexive verbs (part 2) 00:08:00
Conditional mood
Conditional mood 00:11:00