About Me. Naya Polo.

About Me

Naya Polo Standing

Who I am

My name is Anastasia, I was born in Russia and I enjoy teaching and sharing my culture with my students. I am a YouTuber who makes videos about Russian language learning.

My Education

In 2009 I graduated from the one of the most famous Russian University -Rostov State University (Today it’s called South federal University).The faculty of Philology and Journalism played a big role in my life, because I was able to obtain profound knowledge in Russian language. I am expert in this language because I am native speaker and I have degree in this field.

In 2013 I graduated from Rostov State Economic University, faculty of International economics. I did this degree for fun, because it gave me the opportunity to go to Germany for 6 months for a student exchange program.

In February 2015 I moved back to Russia from Germany with Diploma in the field of Marketing and Advertising.

My Motivation

My motivation for teaching Russian language stems from a period of my life, in which I was trying to find myself and determine my career path. During this period of time I was frustrated, because I didn’t know what I would like to do with my life. Although I felt lost, I felt deep down inside that I really wanted to learn the English Language. So at this period of my life I was learning English and at the same time searching for a job. But with every new application I filed, every new interview I began to understand, that my soul needed something more. Initially I had resistance inside, because I felt pressure from others to conform and get a job. My friends and family wished nothing more than for me to get a nice office job. But inside I wanted something different, I wanted to be free and I wanted to do the things that were close to my heart.

And finally after some soul searching I found my motivation and vision in life. Which is the promotion of my culture and language. It is my passion in life to make you love my culture and language as much as I do. Let’s build bridges together. I want to show you Russia through my eyes, where there is no place for negativity, hate and loathing and there can only exist harmony, happiness and joy.

I wish you success in discovering my culture and learning my language.