My pilgrimages trip in Russia
I have a tradition to go on pilgrimages on my birthday. Due to the turmoil in the world, this has become impossible for the last two years. In 2022, I again resumed this good tradition. With our current Geopolitical events, it seems – Russians – have become undesirable persons, for a lot of the world That being said, and keeping my safety in mind, I decided to travel around my own country and did not regret it at all. Where else is it possible to travel 8000 thousand kilometers in 7 days and spend the nights in a new monastery every night.
The first stop was – Tikhozadonsky Monastery. We arrived late in the evening after dark night, so I could not immediately appreciate the beauty of this place. The first thing my subconscious remembered was the cold. It was somehow especially cold and windy. We spent the night in the building where the monks sleep. A separate floor is allocated for pilgrims in that building.
The monastery got its name thanks to the outstanding Saint Tikhon Zadonskiy.

Here the saint gained the glory of the “Russian Chrysostom”, was granted from God the gift of healing, miracles, tears of repentance and unceasing prayer, but most importantly, the gift of love. Here he fulfilled the commandment of Christ with his own life and became the father of the orphans, the poor and the destitute.
At the beginning of the 19th century, buildings were rebuilt in the monastery. In 1845, construction began on a new majestic five-domed, eight-altar, three-story cathedral in honor of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God. During the construction of this temple and the dismantling of the old one in 1846, the relics of St. Tikhon were found in-corrupt, and on August 13, 1861, he was glorified.
On the occasion of such a significant event in the life of the monastery, about 300 thousand pilgrims arrived in the city of Zadonsk, with a population of 7 thousand people in the city of Zadonsk. The blessed healing of many took place at the relics of the Saint. The relics of St. Tikhon have become a life-giving source for all who come to the Zadonsk monastery with faith to honor his memory.
Healings and miracles, abundantly exuding from the miraculous image of the Mother of God “Vladimirskaya” and from the relics of St. Tikhon, attracted thousands of pilgrims to the monastery.
By the end of the 19th century, the monastery gained true fame, as one of the pearls of the spiritual life of Russia. In 1851, by decree of His Imperial Majesty Nicholas I, the third-class Zadonsky Bogoroditsky Monastery was elevated to the first class.
Through the prayers of the Mother of God, St. Tikhon, as well as the Zadonsk elders, the monastery became the largest, most beloved place of pilgrimage for pilgrims. Going on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, they considered it their duty first of all to visit Zadonsk, then Kyiv, and then go to the Holy Land.
During the period of revolutionary events, severe trials awaited the Zadonsk monastery. In 1919, one of the first in the country, the relics of St. Tikhon were opened, and the persecution of monastics began. Zadonsky Bogoroditsky Monastery was finally disbanded, and property was confiscated
The relics of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk were initially sent to the local museum of local lore, then to Yelets and, before the war, to the regional center, the city of Orel.

The restoration of the monastery began in 1988 with the repair of the main Vladimir Cathedral. Only in 2003 was the process of returning the buildings that belonged to the monastery before the revolutionary events completed.
In August 1991, the solemn transfer of the relics of St. Tikhon from Orel to the Zadonsk monastery took place.
At present, the main section of the monastery covers an area of 7.5 hectares. These lands are in perpetual free use, as a territory of a historical and cultural monument of the 19th century, protected by the state. The monastery has 500 hectares of arable land, and 170 hectares of forest land.
In the monastery there are icons of ancient writing, carefully preserved by believers during the years of godless power. Among them are the most revered: the icons of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk and the icon of the Mother of God “Vladimir”.
Near the monastery there is a holy spring with a temple above it in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Life-Giving Spring”. The temple was built in 2003 on the site of the one destroyed during the revolutionary events. And in 2006, a swimming pool was built for those wishing to plunge into the healing waters.
People come here for healing and peace of mind.
To be continued…
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