Best Way to Learn Russian | Naya Polo

Best Way to Learn Russian


   Russia has slowly but surely risen to become a powerful state and, in this day and age when the world is becoming a small global village, it has now become very necessary to move with the times. In that light, it has also become essential to familiarize oneself with the Russian language as well. Just like any other new language that someone is trying to learn, nothing comes easy.

  The best way to learn Russian is to first and foremost make a personal commitment towards what you want to achieve. Once you have done that, you are already halfway there. Sign up for a class where you can learn the language with others. As a sign of commitment, ensure that you show up on time for the lectures. Secondly, you will need to get resource material that you can turn to in your quest to master Russian. Get books and audio tapes that you can read and listen to respectively. Use these as often as you can, and you can combine the two for more effective results.

    Do not put too much pressure on yourself by trying to learn everything at once. Take it slow. Essentially, this means that you should move from the simple things to the more complicated things. For instance, start off by learning and memorizing the Russian alphabet then move to simple and short phrases that you can use for daily conversation. It will be much more easy to construct a sentence when you know bits of phrases that you can join together to produce what you want to say. It is also a fantastic idea to get a study partner who you can study the language with. It makes much more sense to pick someone who is more conversant with the language than you are. In addition, it makes more sense to get someone who speaks Russian as their native language. You probably know already that practice makes perfect.

   Try as often as you can to articulate yourself in Russian with people with whom you are in contact with on a daily basis. The fact that they do not know the language should not stop you. It will give you more room to practice as you would have to explain what you are saying and that in turn will have the ripple effect of helping your mind master Russian.

    The best way to learn Russian is to get to the roots of the culture. Russia is best known in the world for its rich historic culture. Use this to your advantage as a student of the language. Visit museums and cultural events that are showcasing Russian culture. There is no better way to learn a new language than by total immersion. This is a tried and tested technique that has worked for many before. Lastly, have fun with your learning experience. Pick out movies that are in Russian and hear how the words are pronounced and where to put stress in your words. Learn by imitating and you are sure to stay ahead of the pack.

P.S. So if you wish to learn the Russian language online for any purpose – welcome to learn Russian online

1 responses on "Best Way to Learn Russian"

  1. “Use it or lose it”, is a famous phrase, with the Russian language too, that is the case. Often times people prefer to learn online because its easy, but you lose out on the benefits of a real physical teacher when you do that. What Anastasia does is that she combines the two, a real teacher who teaches you at your own pace and comfort, over the convenience of the Internet. The tips that she has articulated above are the principles that she applies in her lessons and encourages you to apply not just while learning Russian, but in any sphere of life, more than a lesson in Russian, it disciples you greatly.

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