My pilgrimages trip in Russia (part 2) | Naya Polo

My pilgrimages trip in Russia (part 2)


Hi my beautiful students! I would like to keep on  writing about my pilgrimages trip in Russia. If you didn’t read the first part -you can find it here

Further, our path followed to the 4th inheritance of the Virgin. Marvelous Diveevo. The Queen of Heaven appeared to the nun Alexandra in the Kiev Florovsky Monastery and ordered her to go to the north of Russia and visit all the Great Russian monasteries dedicated to Her. And she pointed out the place on which she promised to found such a great abode of Hers, “which was not, is not and will never be equal in the whole world.” Thus began the history of the Seraphim-Diveevo Monastery, the fourth inheritance of the Mother of God on Earth after Iberia, Athos and Kyiv.

Strengthened by deep faith in the immutability of this promise, Matushka Alexandra, through great labors, tearful repentance, unceasing prayer, standing on mental Golgotha, built the first community, laying a firm foundation for the future great monastery. She was guided in everything by the Theotokos Herself; no doubt that only by Her will did she ask the young hierodeacon Seraphim to take care of the Diveyevo sisters. And subsequently, Father Seraphim did not put a single stone in the monastery without the blessing of the Queen of Heaven.

Seraphim-Diveevo MonasteryNaya Polo
Naya Polo

We turn over the Chronicle of the Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery. How obvious it is that the Queen of Heaven Herself cares about Her abode. She promised: “And, like the stars of heaven and like the sand of the sea, I will multiply here serving the Lord God and Me, Ever-Virgin, Mother of Light, and magnifying My Son Jesus Christ, and the grace of the All-Holy Spirit of God and the abundance of all the blessings of earth and heaven,with small human labors, they will not be impoverished from this place of my beloved! So it is in fact.

Before and now, without large own funds, temples were built and are being built, a monastery is being built. Before the revolution, 1,600 monastics lived in Diveevo. Now – three times less, but among modern Russian monasteries Diveevsky is the largest in terms of the number of nuns. And Father Seraphim sent for residence in Diveevo only sisters chosen by the Mother of God, as evidenced by the Chronicle.

“The Mother of God herself will manage the monastery,” said St. Seraphim of Sarov, “She herself will teach everything, arrange everything and indicate who needs to be chosen  and She will call for those who are not, by their own destiny, She will cast him out of his abode; what is useful will affirm She will ruin everything that is not useful, and everything, everything She herself will do, as Her only will here pleases!”

This place is so beautiful that it’s hard to describe it in words. If you want to learn more about it, here is the monastery website in English. Here you can learn about the main shrines of this place and about its life. With all my heart, I would wish my subscribers and students to visit this place in reality to feel God’s joy and grace.


To be continued…

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