Russian culture. Russian EASTER | Naya Polo

Russian culture. Russian EASTER

 What do you know about Russian culture? What do you know about Easter in Russia?

Russian culture. Russian EASTER. Paskha (Easter) is the biggest Orthodox holiday. Jesus Christ died and resurrected giving hope in eternal life through his resurrection. This holiday is celebrated only on Sundays, but the date is different each year. In 2016, Russians celebrate Paskha on May 1st. This feast is associated with many interesting traditions and  customs. Since the end of the 10th century when Paskha came to Russia from Greece, we have been having  very bright  and awesome celebrations.

 The week before Easter is called Holy Week («Страстная неделя» Strastnaya nedelya). Russians prepare for this holiday in advance. Many people keep a fast.

On Thursday, which is called «Чистый четверг» (lit. «Clean Thursday»), people usually wake up early and take a shower (our ancestors swam in rivers, lakes etc.). This ritual is considered as absolution from sins. On this day, everything must be cleaned and people must confess and commune.

There are two traditional symbols of this holiday: Easter cake painted eggs and Kulichi. The process of cooking  Kulishey demands long time and patience because kneading the dough is not easy. The best products are always used for the dough, and leaven play the biggest role in its preparation. It must be fresh and of superior quality. Otherwise, the dough doesn’t rise and you can forget about a beautiful Easter cake. By the way, people believe that the more beautiful your Easter cake the more prosperity you can expect this year.

  Painting eggs is the children’s most favorite activity. Beautiful painted eggs are an essential part of every table. Formerly, such special dishes as cakes, rolls, baked pork, hams, roast veal, were also served on the Easter table.

  On Saturday evening, all the Christians put on beautiful suits and went to a church in order to bless the baked Kulishi and painted eggs. Before midnight, bell chimes rang out announcing the approach of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. A cross procession around the cathedral began under unceasing bell chimes.

  Right from the morning, the faithful go home and give blessed foodstuffs to their people. They say to each other: “Христос воскрес!”. People always answer: “Воистину воскрес!”

  This custom of greeting followed by hugging and kissing is called “Easter greeting”. This tradition exists only in Slavic cultures.

  For my beautiful and wonderful students I have made a video showing you this holiday and the baking of the Kulishi

P.S. If you are interested in Russian-learn Russian online.


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